English below ↓
Der April war der zweite Monat des frühesten römischen Kalenders, bevor Ianuarius und Februarius um 700 v. Chr. von König Numa Pompilius hinzugefügt wurden.

April was the second month of the earliest Roman calendar, before Ianuarius and Februarius were added by King Numa Pompilius about 700 BC.
April Doctor / Fünfter Doctor | |
Slogan/Catchphrase | “Would you care for Jelly Baby?” |
Dargestellt durch/Portraid by | Tom Baker |
Bevorzug/Prefers | Schal / scarf |
Begleitet durch/Companions | Sarah Jane Smith, Harry Sullivan, Leela, K-9, Romana I, Romana II |
Familie/Family | |
Gegner/Enemies | Daleks, Cybermen, TheMaster, Sontarans, Davros, Zygons, TheBlackGuardian |
Zeit/Time | 1974-1981 |
Bildquelle / image source | Collider (Matt Ferguson’s Series of DOCTOR WHO Silhouette) |
Text-Quelle / source | mehreren Quellen/several different sources |
Schriftart / font | Etsy (PrintedHeron – Month Planner Stamps) |